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What Gospel is NOT

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] t is sometimes more helpful to know what a matter is not before we strain to understand what it is. When I selected an online class in hermeneutics, I was energized and wanted to know everything about it. I came with certain expectations. When my professor kicked off the class by telling us what the class is not about. It disappointed me a little. It turned out that some of my anticipations were incorrect. Knowing what it hasn’t given me a good sense of direction, mind, and attitude.

My understanding of the Gospel was immature. I had imitated the surrounding culture so much that I didn’t examine the scriptures myself and when I did; it opened by the heart of discernment of the Gospel and only freed me even to a greater extent.


While the gospel is how we come to know God, it’s not limited to knowing how to get saved. D. A. Carson has noted: For some Christians, “the gospel” is a narrow set of teachings about Jesus and his death and resurrection which, rightly believed, tip people into the kingdom. After that, real discipleship and personal transformation begin, but none of that is integrally related to “the gospel.”

[one_half] If someone is to ask you what the Gospel is, would you give them bulleted points or a definition? Viewing the gospel as only the means to salvation amounts to minimizing the gospel and its greater significance. Tim Keller clarifies, the gospel is not just the minimum required doctrine necessary to enter the kingdom, but the way we wake all progress in the kingdom.[/one_half] [one_half_last][quote]The gospel is not just the A-B-C’s but the A to Z of Christianity.[/quote][/one_half_last]


Matthew 22:36-40,36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
There is one problem, it’s not the problem with text, it’s a problem how we understand it. These commandments are fundamental to Christ’s life, message, and people, but they are not the gospel. It’s been the summary of the law! To love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength summarize the first four commandments, while loving our neighbor as ourselves is the total of the rest of the law (commandments five through ten). We obey the law because of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus, not forcing God to love us. Obedience is the response to the gospel, but not the gospel itself.


When I was born again, I decide to live a good life. I want people to see there is a change in my attitude and lifestyle. I chose to live a “good” life.  Scripture demands us to live a life that is a holy and sinless life. All this may be good, but it is not the gospel.

The gospel is not behavior modification, becoming a better person, or learning to become more moral. It is not taking the life of Jesus as a model way to live or transforming/redeeming the secular realm. It is not living highly communal lives with others and sharing generously in communities who practice the way of Jesus in the local culture. These may all be good things, but they are not to be confused with the gospel. They should accompany the gospel, and should not separate from the gospel and while God may use them to authenticate the gospel and make our proclamation of the gospel more fertile in hardened hearts yet they are not to be viewed as replacements for the gospel.

When I was born again, I want people to see a change in my conduct and behavior. I tried to live a “good” life. Scripture requires us to live a sinlessness life. On the whole, this transformation may be sound, but this is not the gospel.
The gospel is not performance modification, developing into a better human or learning to become nobler. It is not living, communal lives with others and sharing in communities who practice the path of Jesus in the local culture. These may all be good things, but they are not to be confused with the gospel. They should accompany the gospel and should not come apart from the gospel. God may use them to authenticate the gospel and make our declaration of the gospel more fertile in hardened hearts, yet they are not to be received in as proxies for the gospel.


Isaac is the creator and host of the Life & Scripture podcast, where he passionately helps people follow Christ and simplifies theology to make it practical for everyday living. A software engineer by profession, Isaac combines his analytical mindset with a heart for faith and discipleship.

He is married to his wonderful wife, Kanthi, and is a proud father of three energetic boys. Alongside his career, Isaac is a biblical counselor in training, an avid reader, and a skilled keyboard player with a deep love for music and worship.

Through his blog and podcast, Isaac shares reflections, insights, and encouragement for living a Christ-centered life, inspiring others to integrate faith into every aspect of their journey.

Further reading

క్రొత్తగా తిరిగి జన్మించబడడం: నిజమైన మార్పునకు పునాది

క్రొత్తగా తిరిగి జన్మించబడడం అనేది క్రైస్తవ జీవితానికి మూల రాయి. ఇది విశ్వాసి యొక్క స్వభావ మార్పును, పవిత్రతను, మరియు దేవునికి విధేయతను సూచిస్తుంది.

క్రిస్మస్ రోజున ధ్యానించడానికి 5 వాక్యభాగాలు

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