As we consider Jesus’ divinity in the context of the Incarnation, we are faced with the question of logical coherence. To say that Jesus was Incarnate Deity may be deemed logically problematic for two reasons: Firstly, to say that Christ is both God...
It is sometimes more helpful to know what a thing is not before we try to understand what it is..
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] doption was a widespread legal procedure throughout the Greco-Roman world. The Greek term Paul uses (huiothesia) always denoted the process or status of been adopted as a son. Unlike the modern adoption of children, typically...
Fight anxiety with Faith in God's Promises
Repentance is more than acknowledging your sin, it is transformational.
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] ll the gospel requires from us is Repentance and faith. The gospel calls sinners to Repent and put faith in Jesus See Matthew 3:2, in the preaching ministry of John the Baptist, he addresses the listeners to “Repent, for...
Martin Luther summarized it best: “Gospel is and should be nothing else than a discourse or story about Christ.”
God, not man is the center of the gospel.
Heart of Christianity is Good News